Thursday, October 16, 2008

Google Says No to Global Warming

The company invests in electric vehicles

Global warming and its implications have been hot topics in people's discussions for a couple of years now. "Global warming is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases that are emitted primarily by the burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests. These gases remain in our atmosphere for decades or even centuries," states a report of the
Union of Concerned Scientists.

As carbon dioxide emission is generally acknowledged as the main factor that leads to the phenomenon, international organizations took the matter into their own hands and put forward a series of solutions. The emergence of electric vehicles was the most famous and many manufacturers engaged into producing them, although the idea didn't bring them any money to burn.

Yet,, the philanthropic branch of the company, announced today that it invested in two companies that product and sell such vehicles. This comes as a continuation of Google's RechargeIT program that started last summer and consisted of offering eco-friendly cars to Google's employees. The two companies that will benefit from the support of the search giant are Aptera Motors and ActaCell, both U.S. based.

Aptera Motors' two prototypes of ecologic cars allow, after recharge, either a 120 miles ride, for the All Electric Artera, or a 40 to 60 miles drive, for the Plug-in Electric Hybrid of the Aptera. Details about the technologies of the second company supported by Google have not been disclosed yet. ActaCell announced that they would be available in early 2009.

"When we launched RechargeIT we announced a request for investment proposals, hoping to identify top entrepreneurs finding innovative transportation solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming," said Gregory Miller,'s managing director of investments. At the moment, electric vehicles are perceived as interesting, but rather useless toys. With the help of Google, perhaps this outlook will change.

1 comment:

Obstructionist said...

KUDOS to Aptera, I can't wait I can shed my 3 cylinder, 5 speed Geo Metro for my Aptera, to bad I am 2505th on their list!

My Geo counters my Ford Ranger pickup truck, with 60 mpg and made more sense than buying a new Toyota or Honda hybrid. That said the increased mpg of the Aptera car, justifies my next change!